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STEMovation participates in events created for schools in the WRDSB (Waterloo Region District School Board) and WCDSB (Waterloo Catholic District School Board). These events are targeted towards students from Kindergarten to Grade 8 due to the activities provided. Below are videos and pictures from the events STEMovation has attended. If you or your school are interested, please follow the links below to see how educators can get in touch with us.

Get your community involved!

Do you want to get your school involved with our STEMovation events?

Send over the following link to your child's educator (teacher, principal, etc.). 

What Our Clients Say

STEMovation takes a family focus because the families are a key influencer in boosting children’s confidence in STEM and raising their interest to pursue higher education and careers in these fields.  

Dr. Avis Beek, STEMovation Project Lead

From beginning to end this was a worthwhile and well attended event! The families loved all of the activities and we had full attendance throughout which showed how engaging the activities were.



It has been an absolute privilege to see the incredible impact STEMovation has had on students and their families. STEMovation has helped me grow as a teacher candidate by providing me with on the ground experience addressing inequities in education. My teaching practice has been transformed by seeing the power this type of learning can have on students and families. 

Kiara Daw, STEMovation Project Manager

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